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Our products
Fluid Management
Diuresis Measuring Systems
Urological Drainage
100% Silicone Foley Catheters
Hydrophilic Latex Foley Catheters
Intermittent Catheters
Male External Catheters
Urine Bed/ Night Bags
Urine Leg Bags
Airway Management
UNOQUIP Tracheal Tubes
Tracheobronchial Suctioning
Nasopharyngeal Airways
Oropharyngeal Airways
Intubation Devices
Respiratory Care
Oxygen Therapy
Aerosol Therapy
Face Masks
Surgical Suction
OR Suction Handles and Sets
Suction Tubing
Nursing Care
Gastroenterology Products
Nursing Accessories
About us
News and events
Our products
Our products
Fluid Management
Fluid Management
Diuresis Measuring Systems
Urological Drainage
Urological Drainage
100% Silicone Foley Catheters
Hydrophilic Latex Foley Catheters
Intermittent Catheters
Male External Catheters
Urine Bed/ Night Bags
Urine Leg Bags
Airway Management
Airway Management
UNOQUIP Tracheal Tubes
Tracheobronchial Suctioning
Nasopharyngeal Airways
Oropharyngeal Airways
Intubation Devices
Respiratory Care
Respiratory Care
Oxygen Therapy
Aerosol Therapy
Face Masks
Surgical Suction
Surgical Suction
OR Suction Handles and Sets
Suction Tubing
Nursing Care
Nursing Care
Gastroenterology Products
Nursing Accessories
About us
News and events
News and events
From Truck to Barge: Reducing Our Carbon Footprint
Additions to our postoperative catheter range
Now available: Silicone Foley Catheters with Open Tip
Oropharyngeal Airways
Designed for quick and comfortable airway securement between the oral cavity and the pharynx
Our products
Airway Management
Oropharyngeal Airways
Product Range
Guedel Airways
Web design and development / SYNERGI